Joe Grundy
JoinedTopics Started by Joe Grundy
Is the WTBTS a Bully?
by Joe Grundy ini am not, and never have been, a jw.
i spent my career (30 years) fighting bullies.
is wtbts and its subsidiaries (not talking about individual jws here) a bullying organisation?.
Jewish Holidays
by moomanchu in.
since jw,s cannot celebrate "christian holidays" can they celebrate jewish holidays.
i asked my mom this question never got an answer.. jesus was at the temple for the feast of the dedication for starters.. thoughts
Do Individual JWs Pay For The Publications They Distribute?
by Joe Grundy inexcuse my ignorance, and i've read on boards about the us not selling/inviting contributions issue, but do individuals jws in effect pay for the publications they give out?
if so, is that only for their magazines or for hardback books as well?
how is this organised, please?.
Infiltration by Apostates
by Kenneson ini mentioned recently that i belong to a pro-jehovah's witness forum and how they were having internal problems requiring the lockdown of a thread for a 24 hour cooling period.
someone on the forum admitted that it caused their posting to drop.
now, they are beset with another problem.
Advice for non-JW please
by Joe Grundy inhaving visited this site on many occasions, and having been recommended to it, i am confident that it is a source of good advice from people who know about these things.
i would be grateful for any advice you can offer me.. i have been an atheist for 20+ years, but before that was a non-conformist protestant with degrees of belief varying from acceptance to enthusiasm.
my atheism resulted from research because of my (continuing) interest in the effects of religion.
Better off Poor in UK than Rich in US!
by Seeker4 innational public radio this morning had a story about a study of middle-aged (55-64 yo) whites in the uk compred to the us.
they were shocked at the results.
the study was done to try to find out the effects of poverty on health , which is why they just studied whites, to eliminate the effects of race.
Ongoing Saga; Privacy Commission, WTS and my attempt to get personal files
by jwfacts ini posted a while ago that i had asked the aust bethel for my personal records under the privacy act 1988. bethel refused.
i then lodged a complaint with the privacy commission.
bethel signed a stat dec that they are not covered by the privacy act, and so the case was closed.
Anyone know about 'cutting'?
by love2Bworldly ini am researching cutting and self-mutilation because i have a close family member who is doing this--she burned her arm last week and it's bad.
i was wondering--i found an article on the internet that talks about support for the person and how some people get relief by using other methods like icing the skin with ice cubs or flicking themselves with rubber bands.. this person is in therapy and in the care of a psyciatrist too but i just wondered how common this is.
her diagnosis isn't even for sure--could be adhd or depression.. any comments on experience with this would be helpful.
WTBTS and Taxes in the UK.
by Gill in.
the wtbts, at least here in the uk, makes loans to congregations of jws for mortgages to build kh's at a 'reasonable rate of interest'.. does the wtbts pay tax on the interest it is making, since this is clearly not a charitable earning or donation?
Circuit Accounts Servants Confesses how the SCAM WORKS!!
by JT inyes, i too have wondered how an assembly that is held in a fully paid for assembly hall, with no food service, could possibly have $10,000 in expenses.
i suppose the bethel speakers have transportation expenses - maybe $1000 or so.
as for rent on the assembly hall, well you have already paid for it once, why pay again?